Diversify Dietetics Mentor Program
Are you part of the DD community and looking for a little guidance as you navigate your educational or professional pathway? Are you a nutrition professional wanting to help mentor the next generation of diverse nutrition experts?
Each Fall we launch our Diversify Dietetics Mentor Program for these exact reasons. Keep reading to see if the Diversify Dietetics Mentor Program is for you!
Recruiting Mentors Now! - Opening Applications for Mentees August 2024
What Sets Our Mentor Program Apart from the Rest?
First, our structured mentor program provides customized mentor/mentee matches. Unlike the “ do it yourself” virtual mentor programs, our team carefully studies each mentor and mentee profile to ensure we are identifying the best match for you. We then provide resources for mentors and mentees to facilitate a successful relationship . While mentors are phenomenal with providing assistance when it comes to on professional-related topics, some mentors may be a inexperienced or uncomfortable in assisting their mentees with academic-related resources. We help fill in those gaps, saving our mentors precious time, and ensuring our mentees are getting the most up-to-date and accurate information.
Second, we have asked all mentees and mentors to commit to minimum program requirements in order to facilitate an effective mentor relationship. There also is little data available on what makes a successful mentor/mentee relationship for dietetics students of color. Our structured mentor program format allows for us to collect data and continue to refine best practices for mentor programs.
our mentor program requirements include:
All Mentors must read, Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack resource.
Meet with your mentor/mentee at least one hour per month (virtual or in-person) for the duration of program year.
Develop jointly written goals (i.e.- documented and measurable) and sign the mentor program agreement with established goals.
Provide formal feedback through the Diversify Dietetics' evaluation process.
Third, we don't think that dietetics students of color can only be mentored by dietetics professionals of color. But we DO believe that any professional that serves as a mentor must acknowledge and understand the systemic barriers that impact students and professionals of color in this field. It is our duty to provide our mentees a safe and protected space in the dietetics profession. It is required that all Mentor Program volunteers are committed to identifying and working to manage their own unconscious biases and microagressive thoughts and behaviors related to working with students of color.
We ask that, no matter their race or ethnicity, all Diversify Dietetics Volunteers read the following article before deciding to apply to volunteer in work with the Dietetics Community: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
This article is by no means a completion of the personal work mentioned above, but an introduction to the realities that the students of our Community are facing, and to why we require that volunteers are committed to working on their own thoughts and behaviors towards their inherent privileges. If you read this work and are unsure if you are a good fit to mentor in this program, check out this resource to continue your work, and we encourage you to apply to volunteer at a future time, when you feel ready.
Ready To Join The Mentor Program?
Applications are currently closed!
Complete the interest form below to be the first to know when the next cohort applications open in Fall 2025.
Have more questions? Reach out to mentor@diversifydietetics.org!
“I felt like I could wholeheartedly be myself and felt like [my mentor] understood me and was sympathetic of my experiences. It was nice to have a Latina dietitian mentor. We spoke about the ups and downs of our experiences, it felt authentic.”
Meet the Mentor Program Coordinators!
They’re working hard with our DD leadership team to deliver the best Virtual Mentor Program possible. Got questions or just wanna say hi? Email mentor@diversifydietetics.org
Kameron Rowe MS, RDN - @kimmie2dakam
Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - BA, Exercise and Sport Science, Meredith College - MS in Nutrition, Cornell University- Dietetic Internship
Current Work: Assistant Professor, Nutrition Department at Russell Sage College
Passions/Future Work: Community Nutrition, Public health, Dietetics Education and Mentoring
Hobbies: Cooking, reading autobiographies, and traveling throughout the US and abroad.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Fun Fact: “Me, my brother, and sister all have the same birthday but we are not twins or triplets!”
Our Why:
Research has shown that having a mentor that understands a student's barriers and concerns can facilitate student success. This is why creating a mentor program was one or our first and most important initiatives.
Due to the low number of practicing dietetics professionals of color, students of underrepresented minority groups have sometimes found it challenging to find mentors who hold shared lived experiences. Our mentor program seeks to reduce this barrier by using the power of the internet, social media and technology to connect professionals with students and dietetic interns in the Diversify Dietetics community. Do you believe in increasing the racial and ethnic diversity in the field of nutrition. Volunteer to be part of our programming !