From Unmatched (for the 2nd Time!) to Graduate Student in 3 months
This story is part of our Fund the Future of DD Fundraiser series.
One of our goals in the creation of Diversify Dietetics was to create a community where students and young professionals could get a “warm touch”- someone who would be on the other end of the line when they needed resources and support. One way that we do this is by connecting students who have not matched through DICAS to dietetics educators. These volunteer educators are integral part of the DD Community, as they spend time, one-on-one, through phone calls and emails, helping students to improve their DICAS application, or to advise them as they decide what their next move will be. No other dietetics organization provides this service.
The first time that we provided dietetic internship matching support was in April 2019. The story you are about to reach shows the incredible power of the DD Community, and why it is unmatched (no pun intended!) in its collective power to make real change for future RDs of Color.
Abrazia and Dr. Alicia Landry at UCA’s Fall 2019 Open House
As told by Ambrazia Sublett and Dr. Alicia Landry
Ambrizia’s Story: The story of how Dr. Landry and I met was interesting. I had just got through DICAS match day (for the second time) and received the dreaded “Unfortunately you have not matched” message on D&D Digital. I was devastated and numb to a certain extent. I had done so much work and spent so so much money, just to not get matched again. As my anxiety was rising I was scrolling through IG thinking “What is wrong with me? Why aren't dietetic internships picking me?”
I got words of encouragement from RDs and friends, but I was still sad because I want to be an RD more than anything in the world and I was hit with another roadblock. As I was scrolling, Diversify Dietetics IG story popped up. First, it congratulated those who matched… then the next IG story stated those who didn't match could contact them to get help. I replied to the story, still in disbelief because my undergrad journey was very difficult and the road to DI was showing it was even more difficult.
When I replied I thought "Can Diversify Dietetics really help me?" I am some random student from Kentucky. I don't have lots of money to pay for help on the application, and I don't have a 4.0 like many other applicants. Within minutes I got a reply, and after engaging in conversation with Tamara Melton [Executive Director of Diversify Dietetics], I was connected to a professor at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA), named Dr. Alicia Landry.
After connecting with Dr. Landry over email and exchanging many phone calls, I decided the UCA internship was perfect for me because I hope to do counseling and community nutrition. Even though I hadn't planned on getting my master’s degree, or moving to a small town, I was moving to Arkansas! But before I even committed to moving to UCA, Dr. Landry said even if I didn’t think UCA was for me, she would be in my corner and would help me with my application if I wanted to go through DICAS again. But I chose Arkansas, to a place where I knew no one and to a small town to chase my dreams.
Those conversations happened in April 2019 and I moved in August 2019. I met with Dr. Landry the first week the Fall semester started. I finally was meeting the person who said in one of our phone calls "Ambrazia I truly believe in you." Hearing those words, words I had never heard from any professors before, meant so much to me. I met with Dr. Landry, we reviewed the plan we had talked about before my move and she was willing to help me in any way she could. Our relationship now involves check-ins in person and on the phone.
Pre-select matching for the UCA internship is coming up. The goal we have been working towards! I still am in disbelief that I am here but I am excited and more hopeful for the future than ever. I am forever grateful for DD for connecting me with Dr. Landry because without them I am unsure what the future would hold for my career dreams of becoming an RD. I am hopeful for the future and now I have DD and Dr. Landry in my corner. It is an amazing feeling and I hope when I become successful I can do the same for students like me.
Dr. Alicia Landry’s Story: I was sitting at my desk after match day reviewing paperwork and getting our matches organized when I saw an email from Tamara [Melton the executive director of Diversify Dietetics]. She asked for people who would be interested in talking to students of the DD Community who hadn't matched through DICAS. I jumped at the opportunity to work with Tamara and thought it was a great way to recruit.
Within minutes we exchanged emails and I was connected with Ambrazia. I had her send transcripts, application materials, and a resume...then we talked several times. Hearing her story, feeling her enthusiasm, and sensing her heartbreak made it clear that regardless of her decision to come to UCA, she would be a phenomenal RD one day. She has great potential to reach clients that I could never get to and her beaming smile paired with her great personality makes it easy to see where she will be a leader in the dietetics world.
Meeting her for the first time in person was kind of scary. I really hoped she would love her new home and I had no idea what I would do if she didn't. We have made time to talk, get coffee, and look at chemistry notes. I am so thankful for this opportunity and my new friend. Ambrazia has an incredibly promising future and if I can be just one tiny piece of her story, I will be forever grateful.
This is just one story of many that have been made because of the connections made through the community we have formed here at Diversify Dietetics. Our approach to be very hands-on and unconventional in our resources and support may take more resources on our end in time and money, but these are the most effective ways to recruit and retain future RDs of Color. We thank students like Ambrazia for trusting us to assist her at really difficult time, and we are very grateful to educators like Dr. Landry, who see our students as assets, not deficits to their programs.
For us to make more of these stories, we need your help. Please support by donating to our Fund the Future of DD fundraiser. Together, we will change the face of nutrition.